Hello friends,

Some of you have reached out to let me know that you are not receiving any of my blog updates through your RSS feed. When I changed blog platforms, I also changed the feed.

I just returned from New York City where

... I taught a food styling and photography workshop,

... hosted a Sunday Suppers,

... pretaped an interview with Michael Harlan Turkell for Heritage Radio,

... spoke with Sophie Herbert on Martha Radio, and



I am really excited about today's post as I am sharing some of my favorite recipes I have been cooking these days and...

... I am giving away 25 boxes of Bob's Red Mill gluten-free flours!

Now, I hope this gets you to get into the kitchen and bake some more gluten-free recipes.


Hello friends,

I am beginning to schedule some book signings and events to promote "Small Plates and Sweet Treats". I will regularly give you updates on where I will be and maybe you will be able to stop by and say hi at some point? That would be lovely and much appreciated.


I couldn't leave you without sharing another recipes from the book, could I?

This time a little something sweet...

... something with chocolate.


Yesterday I promised that I would be back with a recipe from my book. Savory or sweet... that was up to you.

And I have to admit that you surprised me with the result. "They will want a sweet treat!". I was certain you would. But when I counted the results this morning, I was wrong.


I just returned from France where the leaves began turning, the rain saturated color, and I wore a colorful scarf everyday.

Autumn had arrived in La Dordogne.

Just like these tiny, tiny crabapples.

The workshop went very well and I met some amazing women from all over the world.


I have been waiting anxiously to tell you about our feature in the latest issue of Martha Stewart's Whole Living magazine.

This summer, during a sticky heat-wave, Jon, Miren and I flew to New York City to shoot this story titled "The best breakfast recipes ever (that happen to be gluten-free)".


Nearly six months ago, we traveled to Vermont to film the trailer for "Small Plates and Sweet Treats" - my book.

I wanted this trailer to reflect my cooking, my love of nature, and the healthful dishes and beauty I seek in everyday life.


I am excited to share with you is that part of my portfolio is now available at StockFood. Something I started working on a while ago, but has taken this long to finalize.

Food, lifestyle images, nature, and small everyday details. The things I enjoy.


At the end of August, I traveled to Whistler (British Columbia) to teach a food styling and photography workshop for Ritchie Ace Camps. I was ready for some majestic landscape of mountains, evergreens, and snow-capped peaks. All the elements I love about the Pacific Northwest.

Rugged and glorious.


I have been traveling plenty and working on many book-related projects.

Whistler, BC where I taught a workshop, then...

Alaska where I learned about wild seafood fishing, sustainability, and met incredible people.

I am headed to France in a few days to teach another workshop.


Hello friends,

I just returned from an amazing Ace Camps trip to Whistler, BC where I taught a food styling and photography workshop. Weather was beautiful and the landscape breathtaking. I will be sharing photos with you here soon.


I am really looking forward to this autumn season and the release of so many beautiful cookbooks, many of which are authored by fellow bloggers. It is a promising time for all of us who are publishing our work.


At the end of July, Jon, Miren and I spent a few days visiting Nadia in her home in Vermont. Our friend Romina also joined us for some laid back New England summertime. We had no real agenda but to enjoy nature and let the children take part in farm chores.


Have you guys seen Nikole's "For the love of pie" series?

Blog posts dedicated to pies, tarts, galettes... sweet and savory... Are you drooling yet?

And who was featured today? Yes, Nadia and myself. A berry and yogurt tart we enjoyed during our trip to Vermont, which reminds me...


We spent last week in Vermont in a sea of wildflowers, green hills and lots of berries. I will be writing all about it in the upcoming days as I am still sorting through the hundreds of images I captured.

I will come back with them soon.


I spotted Miren playing in the kitchen floor with the last box of sugar plums we had brought back from New York City. Some nearly turned to mush - they were so ripe. Her white tunic covered in yellow stains, she smiled.

"I think it's time we bake a tart with these, don't you think?" I asked.


I few weeks ago I promised you a recipe from "Small Plates and Sweet Treats" - my upcoming book. So here I am now sharing with of my favorite summer dishes from the book.

Refreshing, easy to prepare, yet a bit unexpected.

For those hot summer days - no doubt.


I am always inspired and intrigued by bloggers' favorites lists. I always look forward to Heidi's and Kimberly's favorites.

I am not sure this will become a regular feature in the blog, but I thought I'd share some of the films, music, reads, food, and stories I have been enjoying lately.


Hello friends,

If you have been following this blog for a while, you will remember my involvement with Sunday Suppers three years ago.


It's been a few days since I have been here sharing some recipes and stories. I have continued to cook and bake, but life and work have kept me away from the blog for a bit.

I came back from Montreal, unpacked, and quickly packed my bags again for a trip to New York City.


If you could take a peek into my kitchen, you would see about half a dozen bowls lined up one next to each other. Each one filled with a variety of stone fruit. Apricots, nectarines, white peaches, Rainier and Bing cherries, Saturn peaches, and one last lonely red velvet apricot.


On the first days of summer, we gather outside until the sun goes down.

I'm feeling nostalgic for those nights of my childhood when I awaited for the long days and school-less evenings. Felt such excitement.

I was overcome by the feeling again during my trip to Montreal this past weekend.


I came back from Seattle with a box full of strawberries. I am known to carry all kinds of fruit and produce through security checkpoints - as f they were the most expensive glass in the world.

From what I was told, it was about a week too early for the ripest strawberries in Seattle.


There has been lots of coming and going lately.

We just returned from Seattle where we spent some amazing five days. I spoke at BlogHer Food, caught up with friends, explored the city, and ate delicious food here, here, and here (and many more). All I can say is how much I love Seattle.


"How many days until we get to go to the farm?" asked Jon over and over again -- counting down the days, hours, and minutes.

"Hmmm...." I thought.

Menacing skies and heavy downpours threatened our plans to spend the afternoon at the farm with Fig & Fauna.


We walked home from the pool under the scorching sun and all I wanted was a refreshing salad.

I opened the refrigerator door and stood there for a minute with my eyes closed.


Sometimes a bit of custard with fruit and sponge cake is all it takes to make me happy.

I am a trifle kind of girl, indeed.

My freezer is full of scraps of cake, unbaked crumble topping, and cookie dough.


Although summer does not officially begin in another four weeks, our brains have already made the switch to summer holidays.


When I was a child we ran free around endless wheat fields.

Once spring rolled in, the grass grew tall, soft and vibrant - this pure green color that is hard to describe. I miss how soft it was (grass in Florida itches!). Red poppies grew wild alongside this wheat grass. Weightless...


First of all, I have to thank you for the absolute positive response that I have received from you after the book cover reveal. It was refreshing to share and see how well it was received. So thank you for that.

Now I can breath.

Now, on to the peas - the green peas I cannot get enough of.


Here are some things that inspiring people have said about my book:



The official release date for my upcoming book approaches.

October 23. Less than six months away.

It has felt intangible until now. Until the day we traveled to Vermont to shoot the book trailer.

The book has such a seasonal component that I really wanted the trailer to reflect that mood.


I'm back... with a big sigh of relief.

Lots of things have been happening and will be happening for me during the next few weeks. I was in Boulder, Colorado a couple of weeks ago teaching two food styling and photography courses at The Makerie.


I was craving crumb cake. Moist and slightly sticky crumb cake.

Jon had fallen ill over the weekend, which forced us to stay home and snuggle. There was lots of lying-down time and holding cool cloths over his forehead until he fell asleep.


My dad and I snuck out of the house without telling anyone where we were going. He grabbed his camera, I grabbed my camera, and we tippy-toed out the door. We decided we would go explore the little neighborhoods that surround my hometown, Amorebieta, where life seems to stand still.


Dear friends... we are back from our trip to the Basque Country. I already miss it very much.

It has taken me days to recover this time - must be age?

I was looking through the thousands of photos I took (yes, nearly 2,000) and wondering if there was a theme behind them all. I will show you soon.


The fields are covered with yellow dandelions and txiribita flowers.

Sheep have taken over the landscape.

White plum petals and magnolias paint the sky when we look up. Apple trees are showing the first green buds and I am awaiting anxiously for the flowers to bloom.


The first day of spring.

Can you smell it in the air?

Yesterday I learned that this blog of mine is a finalist for the 2012 James Beard Awards in the "Individual Food Blog" category.

How did it feel? Like an outer-body experience.


If you are anything like us, your freezer will always be stocked with logs of frozen cookie dough.

When I ask Jon and Miren what they would like to have for the dessert, I know the answer will be "chunky and chewy chocolate chip cookies with crunchy salt on top"

They take after C. and me.


A storm was on the way and I could smell it in the air. "We should get to the farm when they open before the rain catches us" I said to the children. They ran to get their shoes.

The humidity, the wind, the heaviness... It was on the way.



And another exciting moment for me...

Registration for my June workshop in Montreal is now open. If you are interested in joining us, you can REGISTER HERE.


It is all about these beets.

... and those stripes.

My weekly trips to the farmer's market have been fruitful. I come back with a loaded basket of watercress, tangled pea shoots, heirloom tomatoes, microgreens, kale, Sicilian eggplants, carrots that are twister into knots, and a rainbow of beets.


Some time last year, I was approached by fellow blogger Mayssam Samaha of Will Travel For Food to see if I was interested in teaching a class in Montreal where she resides.
